The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the resumption of the clinical trial of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine on Covid-19 patients. The recent announcement is based on the latest data review of the drug, which was also touted by the United States President Donald Trump, CGTN reported.

Speaking at a virtual press conference on Wednesday, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “Experts have been reviewing the data and recommended that "there are no reasons to modify the trial protocol."

"The Executive Group received this recommendation and endorsed the continuation of all arms of the Solidarity Trial, including hydroxychloroquine," he said.

The Solidarity Trial is a WHO-sponsored plan to analyze four drugs and drug combinations that have the potential to kill the deadly contagion. This includes hydroxychloroquine.

On May 25, the WHO decided to pause the trial of hydroxychloroquine amid concerns over its safety.

"The Data Safety and Monitoring Committee will continue to closely monitor the safety of all therapeutics being tested in the Solidarity Trial," Tedros said.