Talks between Labour Minister Santosh Gangwar and 10 Central trade unions failed and the unions said the general strike on January 8 stands. Gangwar had held a discussion with the CTUs on Thursday and told them that the Centre has been taking steps for the welfare of the workers and the labour codes are a part of that.

“The constituents of united platform of trade unions viz., AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF and UTUC who were present in the meeting strongly contradicted and protested the statement of the Minister and stated that the entire Labour Codes are a design of imposing slavery on the workers and it is not acceptable to the trade union movement of the country and they will not surrender. The United platform of Trade Unions strongly raised the issues of ignoring of INTUC and strongly condemn the government’s political move to create selective rivalry within the Trade Unions,” a statement by the ten trade unions said.

Meanwhile, the BMS termed the strike call as political. Its senior leader Girsh Arya told BusinessLine said the BMS does not support the strike in any sector. He said the BMS organised protests around the country against the sale of PSUs on Friday.

The TU leaders also raised, with the Minister, the issues of workers in the auto sector such as illegal and unfair practices like suspension of leaders of recognised trade unions and not allowing thousands of contract workers on jobs since the last two months.

“None of the issues which have been continuously raised by the Central Trade Unions, including the basic issues of unemployment, minimum wages, social security and 14-point charter of demands were addressed by the Minister. Doing away with all democratic practices, the government has not called the tripartite Indian Labour Conference after 2015,” the statement said.

“The strike is going to take place in a massive way throughout the country with the active support of various sections of working class including the students, unemployed youth, peasantry and patriotic masses of the country,” it said.