Acute shortages in Covid vaccine supply have hit the vaccination campaign in Telangana. The Telangana State Government has announced that the Government centres are not going administer vaccines on Sunday (April 18).

Vaccination, however, will resume on Monday.

Though the Government has not given any reason, reports suggest that the State has run out of vaccines.

Earlier in the day, G Srinivasa Rao, Director of State’s Public Health Department, said that the State was left with only two lakh doses and would last for a day or two.

The State is expecting arrival of 2.7 lakh doses of vaccine tonight or tomorrow morning.

Telangana, which has administered 28 lakh doses so far, is targetting to cover one crore people by the end of June, 2021.

“We have covered over 25 per cent of them so far,” he said.

Several vaccine delivery centres in the public and private sector are giving tokens to people on the first-come-first-served basis. In some cases, they are not able to honour the day’s commitments. Those who are supposed to take the second dose are being asked to come another day.