The Tamil Nadu Assembly called on the Central Government to impose economic sanctions against Sri Lanka till it stops persecuting Sri Lankan Tamils.

Responding to a special mention in the Assembly, Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa moved a resolution to urge the Government of India to stop referring to Sri Lanka as a ‘friendly nation’. She said that the Centre should impose economic sanctions on the country as long as it continues to persecute Tamils.

The resolution also called for an independent, fair, multinational inquiry into the war crimes during the civil strife. This inquiry should serve as a basis for those responsible for the war crimes and they should be brought to justice and punished by the International Court of Justice.

The Assembly said the Government should take steps for the UN Security Council to move a resolution calling for a referendum for the Tamils in Sri Lanka and for expatriate Sri Lankan Tamils to vote on the need for ‘Eelam’ (separate State).

This will be the solution for their long-term welfare.

The Chief Minister also urged college students here to give up their agitation on the Sri Lanka issue. She sought the support of allpolitical parties to ensure that students give up their protest and resume studies.