Starting today, Business Line launches a special edition of the paper, BL On Campus targeted at college students. The academic-real world divide has been the subject of debate both within the industry and among academicians. The industry has been rightly critical of what it believes is a serious lacuna in the academic system – that it does not turn out students who can adapt themselves to the requirements of their job situations from Day 1. But academic institutions too face a constraint in that they have to prepare students within the framework of a course design which, however well thought out when originally conceived, may still not be proof against a world that is in a continuous state of flux due to globalisation.

While newspapers, in general, address this knowledge gap, we believe that there is a case for a product that not only focuses on major developments in the world of economy and business but is also sensitive to the information needs of students pursuing higher education in different disciplines. BL On Campus is the outcome of such a perception. Available on all weekdays, Monday through Friday, the special edition will focus on developments relating to business and the broader economy that are of interest to students. We invite members of the faculty in various educational institutions and student readers to send us your feedback and comments so as to further enrich the reading experience.

The Editor