BL On Campus takes off today and we look to your energy to fire Cambuzz, an exclusive space for, of and by college students.

Cambuzz welcomes articles from you about things connected with life on campus, the courses you are pursuing, and the future you aspire for. If you can provide a business or management or economics or marketing peg to your piece, that would be great. But if you can’t, don’t worry – Cambuzz still welcomes your news and views in the form of articles and visuals.

Articles should ideally not be longer than 300 words, photographs should be of 300 dpi resolution, cartoons need to be sent in jpeg format. Want to interview an innovative young entrepreneur? Go ahead. Want to share your internship insights? Go ahead. Had an interesting experience? Write away and send it to Or to BL On Campus, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi & Sons, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002.

REMEMBER to include your name, postal address, the course you’re taking, and the name of your institution.

Happy cambuzzing!