What gadgets do you like?

My MacBook, HTC One and the Kindle Paper White

Which is the latest gadget you picked up and why?

The latest indulgence was the Kindle paper white; since I have been falling behind on my reading and there are tons of books that are on my ‘To-Read’ list. I think the best way to carry them around is on my Kindle, especially when I am travelling.

Which brands do you like and why?

I am not really a brand loyalist. I ensure that every time I buy a mobile/gadget it’s from a different brand.

What is your dream machine and why?

"A time machine - so that I can go into the future and have a look as to what the iPhone 15S looks like."

What do you not like about technology?

It gets scary beyond a point and with augmented reality the boundaries between the real and the virtual world seem to be getting blurred

Which apps are you addicted to and why?

My email and the Blinkfeed on my mobile

What’s the biggest tech disaster according to you?

I wouldn't go so far as to say 'disaster', with regards to the dot com crash of Yr 2000. To me it was a euphoria that had blinded business labels and investors, who were mesmerized with the new idea of "information superhighway", but did not fully understand nor took the time to demystify how long it would take before these companies made a profit.

Give one instance where technology solved your problem

Today our lives are so deeply intertwined with technology that we reach out to it in every instance. To give you an example, a couple of weeks ago, a few friends and I were on a bike trip. After a point we realized we had lost our way. My first reaction was to reach out to my phone and turn on Google maps. I did this so involuntarily that it did not even strike me at the moment.