Model-actor-athlete Milind Soman in his memoir ‘Made in India’ revealed that he was a member of the Rashtriya Sevak Sangh (RSS) in his youth.

A quote from Milind’s book cited in The Print ’s report read: “When I read today all the subversive, communal propaganda the media attributes to RSS shakhas, I am frankly baffled. My memories of what happened at our shakha between 6 and 7 pm. each weekday evening are completely different—we marched about in our khaki shorts, did some yoga, worked out in a traditional outdoor gymnasium with no fancy equipment, sang songs and chanted Sanskrit verses that we did not understand the meanings of, played games and had a bunch of fun with our fellows.”

He added that he was inspired by the adults who used to mentor young boys at RSS. The actor mentioned that the RSS boys have always been “respectful of authority, well-behaved in the presence of adults and well-aware of the importance of physical fitness— who would put their efforts into nation-building when they grew up.”

Milind shared an excerpt from his book while making the announcement on Instagram and also elaborated on his relationship with his father.

Twitter storm

Milind’s idea of RSS left Twitter divided. While many users supported his narrative, some remained utterly disappointed.

Ram Subhramanium, Founder and Director of Handloom Picture, tweeted: “#milindsoman is too fit to be a Sanghi.”

Political commentator Sunanda Vashisht also took to Twitter to express her views: “Corona Virus and Oil prices are trending world over -both legitimate news. In India only #JyotiradityaScindia and #Milindsoman. While first is a legitimate political story second is just a clickbait to sell a book which is not about the clickbait at all. Best ignored.”

While some users were elated with his narrative. A user (Ankita Sood) wrote: “Who says Sanghis are not cool !! Look at him, A 54years young guy! Super cool dude, still a heartthrob !!”

Another fan tweeted: “In fact even today RSS day to day handling of Shakha remains what it was during #milindsoman time, it doesn't change a bit.”