You get a heady stuff when Vedic symbolism and astronomy come together to present a sky show - ‘The Time Machine.’

The time voyage created by the BM Birla Science Centre and shown at its planetarium, takes the viewer on a time travel through the land of pyramids in Egypt, Sumeria, and the recently discovered ruins in South Eastern Turkey.

Presenting an interpretation of Vedic symbolism, the time voyage also takes you to the ice age and then to the terrifying era when dinosaurs walked the earth.

B. G. Siddharth, Director of BM Birla Science Centre here, says archeo-astronomy is non-existent in India. This is an attempt to explain the time line to the common man by taking him through the different eras.

The sky show incorporates travel in a time machine and helps witness different landmarks in the history of universe. A recent excavation has unearthed an astronomical observatory that depicts various zodiacs on the pillars. This is consistent with the Vedic astronomy normally understood so far. All these fit into the zig-saw puzzle with hard evidence of heady inputs from Vedic scholars, Siddharth said.

The time voyage goes back and forth and sometimes takes us to the future with stopovers for exploration of alien planets and finally the end of the age. The show begins with a relatively hazy skyline from a busy city where pollution levels are high and moves on to show how it looks much clearer from a rural area.