Warner Bros has decided to push back the release of Christopher Nolan’s Tenet for the second time as Covid-19 cases in the United States (US) reach a peak high.

The studios had previously pushed back the release of its much-anticipated film ‘Tenet’ from July 12 to July 31. The move is now slated for release on August 12.

“Warner Bros is committed to bringing Tenet to audiences in theatres, on the big screen, when exhibitors are ready and public health officials say it's time,” Warner Bros. said in a statement as quoted by Gadgets360.

“In this moment, what we need to be is flexible, and we are not treating this as a traditional movie release. We are choosing to open the movie mid-week to allow audiences to discover the film in their own time, and we plan to play longer, over an extended play period far beyond the norm, to develop a very different yet successful release strategy,” the studio said.

Movie theatres are yet to receive a green light for reopening in New York and Los Angeles, major markets for movies.

Covid-19 cases in the US rose by at least 39,818 on Thursday, the largest one-day increase in infection as per a Reuters report.

The US so ar has reported over 2.46 million cases with casualties amounting to over 1.26 lakh.

In India, the studies are likely to follow similar release dates irrespective of the number of cinemas open due to the threat of piracy, the report said. Movie theatres are set to reopen in the country as part of the government’s plans to unlock the country in a phased manner. Theatres may reopen as per of Phase 3 alongside international flights and public transport. Currently, Phase 2 activities are likely to be reviewed next month.

India has reported over 4.9 lakh cases of Covid-19 with fatalities surpassing 15000 as per reports.