Recently I felt dizzy and was advised by my doctor to relax as my blood pressure had hit 170/96. I know why it happened. At work, I was asked to resign as I unwittingly treaded on the CEO's toes by switching to a more economic supplier who produced better quality goods. He preferred the existing supplier. I have another job now, but have continuous angry thoughts against my ex-boss (who reported to the CEO) for not backing me up. The doctor has prescribed tranquillisers but I'm unable to sleep peacefully. I sincerely want to improve my mental condition. Please guide me.


The biggest favour you can do yourself is to see the bigger truth — that you were released from a set-up where your initiative would have been ultimately completely crushed. According to Paramahansa Yogananda, man's greatest quality is initiative, and anybody who displays it carries a tinge of greatness in them. So, keep your confidence and courage flying with these beautiful practices:

Pour out your pain on paper. Write a frank, no-holds-barred letter to your ex-boss outlining your hopes and plans for the company. Make it a straight-from-the-shoulder, tough, professional-to-professional missive. When you've finished, let the peace of knowing that you've poured on paper all that was unsaid, flood your mind and body. Realise in this catharsis, this closure, that the time had come for you to move on.…moved…on! Tip: Post that letter into the dustbin.

Take hourly harmony breaks. Every hour, close your eyes and breathe consciously 10 times — breathe out all pain, anger, regret, humiliation, impurities; breathe in purity, peace, power, harmony, love, confidence, chutzpah. Hourly practice gives optimum results. If that isn't possible, practise this at least seven times — before bath, breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, bedtime, walk.

Walk in freedom. Make your walk a personal statement. Dedicate each day to casting out a negative emotion and getting in stride with a positive one. During your walk, gift yourself freedom from seven afflictions — anger, sorrow, frustration, fear, vengefulness, expectations, illness. Say, “I offer myself freedom from…” and mention one affliction a day. Also mention one positive attribute that you embrace each day of the week: “I embrace joy, stability, love, health, peace, goodwill, strength.”

The result of these practices is HUGE. Your blood pressure will fall to a nice healthy level, you transform your outlook, your life, you give of yourself freely, contentedly to your new job without any ghosts from the past hovering over you, you sleep soundly. Plus, you learn an unforgettable lesson — peace of mind and robustness of spirit can never be bought from the marketplace, nor can any firm supply you with them; they have to be evoked from within yourself. Thus, whichever boss you report to, you will be inwardly self-sufficient, strong and free.

I'm 38, a counsellor. Recently, I've started getting a backache once every 3-4 months. It's not severe enough to hamper activity, but I want to take preventive measures before it worsens. What should I do?

Deepa R.

Start doing these back-strengthening and stomach-flattening exercises:

Single leg raise. Lie on your back on a floor-mat, legs and arms straight. Smoothly raise your left leg to 70-90 degree off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Lower. Repeat with right leg.

Hyperextensions: Lie on your back on the floor-mat, legs crossed, arms straight, 2.5-5 pound dumbbell in each hand. Now, raise both arms to describe an arc until they reach over your head, but without touching the floor. Re-describe the arc in reverse until your arms are on either side again. Do 20-50 repetitions.

Reason: The stronger and firmer the ab muscles, the less pull on the conjoined back muscles.

Ensure that you sit on a chair which completely supports your back. If need be, keep a small cushion to support your lower back.

If desk-bound, get up every hour. Stand straight, raise arms to ceiling and walk up and down the room — three times.

Be very posture-conscious. While standing or sitting, keep shoulders square, chest out. Never allow shoulders or mid-back to slump.

Sleep on a firm mattress.

My mother, 67, has osteoporosis. I want to be strong-boned and fit at her age. I'm 35. How do I achieve this?

Namita S.

Develop four healthy habits on a daily basis:

Do two sessions of 30 minutes each of stationary cycling to boost your blood circulation, which will help transport life-nourishing oxygen through your entire body. (Or walk 45 minutes, twice a day).

Do 10-15 minutes of weight-training with five-pounders (free-style) or heavier if on a weight station. Do it under supervision until you master the moves. Weight-training makes the muscles put pressure on your bones which strengthens them and makes them more receptive to absorbing calcium — to make them denser — from your diet.

Have two mugs (240 ml each) of milk/yoghurt to get the 600 mg RDA of calcium.

Spend half hour in the morning sun to get your vitamin D ‘shot'. Bon(e) appétit!

(Queries may be sent to )

The writer is co-author of the book ‘Fitness for Life'.