When Twitter user @ikaveri’s daughter suffered an asthma attack on Friday, the day after Diwali in smoke-filled Delhi, and had to be rushed to a hospital, she tweeted about it.

“My child is on her way to the doc coz asthma. Thanks Delhi,” she noted wryly.

The Twitter world responded with consolatory tweets, including offers for help. Her friends joined in with cheerful banter about how her kids had grown up so fast.

But what @ikaveri would not have expected were abusive tweets — some even going to the extent of ‘hoping’ the child dies. Bagirath (@b03121992) said: “I wish your child die we could control population... sam (sic) way by ban of crackers in delhi we can control pollution.” @johnyblazze hoped “your daughter kicks the bucket soon enough :)”




@johnyblazze hoped "your daughter kicks the bucket soon enough :)"

@manojrunjhun had a piece of advice: "Though I may sound harsh but we shouldn't snatch smiles from thousands of faces to put smile on one face. My apologies."


One wondered how she was able to tweet when her daughter was unwell.

"Very sad...you got time to tweet while your daughter is so unwell? How did you manage?"


These venomous Tweets apparently reflect the bilious rage of those who have been ranting against the Supreme Court order banning the sale of crackers in Delhi owing to air pollution.

Others on Twitter rose in support of @ikaveri terming the tweets sick.

And @ikaveri had this to say as a parting kick to the abusers: "My child will be cured soon but there is no cure for these people. I actually pity them."

When we contacted @ikaveri, she was not sure about revealing her handle or as her "child is involved in this ugliness".