On an average, over the Tamil film industry sees over 200 releases each year. But only 10 per cent of them succeed at the box office. These are primarily big-budget, big-star cast or strong content-oriented films.

According to estimates, 150-160 films fail to even collect 10-20 per cent of the money invested. Even worse, while 125-130 new film producers and aspiring directors enter the fray, barely two or three succeed commercially while the rest leave the industry with a huge hole in their pockets.

One of the main reasons for such a high rate of failure, especially among newcomers, is that a large number of aspiring filmmakers or producers lack the knowledge and understanding of what works with the audience, as well as of various other aspects of the film trade.

In a bid to reduce the number of failures in the industry and to guide the new entrants on the end-to-end aspects of film business, Producer and film distributor G Dhananjayan has launched CEAD Film Consultancy, a first-of-its-kind consultancy firm for film business in India.

Dedicated support

From script development to production and domestic theatrical distribution, sales, marketing and even fundraising, CEAD offers a slew of services to filmmakers and producers for a consultancy fee.

“It is largely for people who come to the industry out of passion but don’t know anybody here or how to go about in the film business,” said Dhananjayan, who also runs BOFTA Film Institute for aspiring filmmakers, actors, and technicians.

Over the years, Dhananjayan said, several young filmmakers approached him for guidance on their project and mentoring which led to the idea of floating a dedicated consultancy to address all the issues that young filmmakers or producers may confront in the industry.

While CEAD offers a host of services, producers or filmmakers can opt for the consultancy services on an overall basis (end-to-end support) or pick services on an a la carte basis. CEAD charges a consultancy fee as a percentage of the total budget of the film or based on fixed cost for the service (such as publi relations services or film funding support).

“It is primarily for new filmmakers who are looking for support in the system,” Dhananjayan said, adding: “but the services are available even to the existing producers or filmmakers who need support on their script, packaging of a film, legal support, or even financing and distribution of film.”

The consultancy also has several industry experts such as noted producer and director CV Kumar, actor and script consultant Jagan and marketing and publicity expert Mikil Murukan, among others.

New challenges

“Post-Covid-19, Tamil cinema will not be the same. The film industry is going to pose several challenges and opportunities to producers and filmmakers. CEAD Film Consultancy shall be on the forefront to guide them, to tap these opportunities and tackle the challenges,” Dhananjayan said.

After establishing its presence in Tamil film industry, CEAD is also looking to expand its presence in Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada film industries by roping in experts from these industries.