Carl H June, a scientist from the University of Pennsylvania, USA and Vasant Narasimham, CEO of Novartis will share the Genome Valley Excellence Award of BioAsia, an annual biotech and life sciences forum of Telangana Government.

Carl H June, CAR-T Cell Therapy Pioneer, Richard W Vague Professor in Immunotherapy, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA has been chosen for his pioneering work in the field of immunotherapy, breakthrough research in developing CAR-T therapy for treatment of cancer and development and commercialisation of world’s first FDA-approved gene therapy.

Vas (Vasant) Narasimhan, CEO of Novartis has been recognised for inspiring the world with the bold new vision to reimagine the pharmaceutical business including embracing digital technology and transforming healthcare, according to a release.

Genome Valley Excellence Award was constituted in 2004 to recognise and honour eminent individuals and organisations for their exceptional contribution to Life Sciences research and public health.

BioAsia 2020 will be held during February 17-19 here.