Google is revamping Google Maps with a more detailed and colourful update.

“We’re rolling out new visual improvements that bring even more detail and granularity to the map, making it easier to understand what an area looks like whether you’re exploring virtually or planning a visit,” Google said in an official blog post.

The tech giant will use its existing high-definition satellite imagery with a new colour-mapping algorithmic technique. This will be used to help users distinguish areas based on colours.

“Exploring a place gives you a look at its natural features — so you can easily distinguish tan, arid beaches and deserts from blue lakes, rivers, oceans and ravines,” Google said.

“We use computer vision to identify natural features from our satellite imagery, looking specifically at arid, icy, forested, and mountainous regions. We then analyse these features and assign them a range of colours on the HSV colour model,” it further explained.

This update will be available for all 220 countries and territories that Google Maps supports.

Detailed street maps

It is also working on more detailed maps for cities where users can see highly detailed street information. The details include the accurate shape and width of a road to scale.

Google will start rolling out these street maps in London, New York, and San Francisco in the coming months. It is planning to expand this to more cities over time.