With an increase in the number of Omicron cases in the US, President Joe Biden has warned people who are not yet vaccinated against Covid-19 on Thursday.

“I want to send a direct message to the American people, due to the steps we have taken, Omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have been otherwise,” Biden said, according to the White House statement.

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He emphasized that a winter of severe illness and death awaited the unvaccinated as the Omicron variant was spreading.

“It is here now, it is spreading and going to increase. For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death, but there is good news if you are vaccinated and have your booster shots, you are protected from this severe illness and death”, the statement added.

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To prevent lockdown’s, Biden called individuals to get vaccinated to protect the country's economic recovery. He also asked people to protect the economy and keep schools and businesses open.

Joe Biden also urged people to get vaccinated. “Omicron is here, it is going to spread rapidly, get your vaccination done. If you got both the shots, get booster shots, it will help. So move now and get your vaccination and booster shots”, the statement added.