Even as US President Donald Trump signed an executive order that restricts entry of non-immigrant workers into the country, the US Chamber of Commerce has said that the move will hold back growth.

US Chamber of Commerce CEO Thomas J. Donohue, in a statement, said: “Today’s proclamation is a severe and sweeping attempt to restrict legal immigration. Putting up a ‘not welcome’ sign for engineers, executives, IT experts, doctors, nurses and other workers won’t help our country, it will hold us back. Restrictive changes to our nation’s immigration system will push investment and economic activity abroad, slow growth, and reduce job creation.” The US Chamber of Commerce represents companies of all sizes across every sector.

Trump had on April 22 said that without intervention, the US faces a potentially protracted economic recovery with persistently high unemployment if labour supply outpaces labour demand. This was done in the backdrop of unemployment claims, which last week numbered 1.5 million.

“We are fighting for more investment and more growth in America because that means more jobs, and today that fight takes on a new level of urgency. The US Chamber of Commerce said that it has advocated for a rational immigration system that meets the needs of the US economy and reflects its values. “Today’s proclamation serves neither of those interests. The US Chamber will continue to strongly advocate for an immigration system that serves the interests of all Americans,” it said.