It is worrying that major institutions such as the Indian Institutes of Technology are not spending enough time to address issues affecting people , according to scientist and Bharat Ratna awardee C.N.R. Rao.

For instance, water is a big problem; energy and environment are subjects where every engineer and scientist can contribute. It could be a chemical engineer, chemist or someone with computation skills who can solve the problem. “We need to use other forms of energy like hydrogen and solar cells. We need a good mixture of all the sources of energy,” he said delivering the inaugural “Institute Lecture” at IIT Madras.

Delivering the lecture on the topic “Celebration of Science,” Rao, Honorary President, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, said “Unless we understand the spirit of science, we can never create an atmosphere of science in a country like India. India’s future is closely tied up with science and if it has to do well in any sector, it has to do well in science. Unfortunately, we are not doing well at all.”

There must be brilliant boys and girls here (at IIT) who can solve any problem. India will become famous only if such people come. Science requires minds of extraordinary capability and intellect. But somehow we not getting that in India, he said.

Rao said science is losing its value in many places, particularly in India.

The 1985 batch of the Institute’s alumni have contributed Rs 50 lakh for distinguished speakers to deliver inspiring talks to students and faculty, said an IIT press release.