The gender gap is a major roadblock in today’s world, despite the advancements made towards modernisation. In the commercial and technology sectors, male dominance in leadership roles is particularly pronounced, mirroring the broader societal landscape.

According to Nasscom, women make up 36 per cent of India’s tech workforce, but as one moves up the corporate ladder, their presence decreases dramatically. These statistics highlight the existing imbalance. Given the pressing need for action, the significance of AI education in closing the gender gap has gained prominence. In India, a technologically advanced country, initiatives targeted at empowering women through AI education are gaining traction, promising to transform the future landscape of the technology industry.

Promoting women in the technology sector

AI is emerging as a turning point that is transforming companies worldwide as technological developments continue to reshape every aspect of life. With AI becoming more prevalent in society, the demand for experienced workers in this industry is increasing. However, in India, a country that is seeing a surge in the tech sector, the gender gap in AI is especially apparent. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), women only hold about 26 per cent of AI-related jobs worldwide. Furthermore, 60 per cent of women believe that men are more capable than them in leadership positions, according to Skillsoft’s 2022 Women in Tech. Thus, it is extremely crucial to upskill women in the tech sector through AI education to address this disparity.

One effective way to empower women in IT is through AI education. Women can access AI education and training programmes and gain the skills necessary to succeed in the technology industry. With a variety of initiatives ranging from online classes to coding boot camps, India is leading the way in promoting women’s interest in AI education. These initiatives provide women with the opportunity to grasp AI concepts, develop valuable skills and forge connections with industry professionals.

Leveraging AI education to empower women

AI has the potential to completely transform education and skill development, providing women with equal access to quality opportunities in education. Bridging the achievement gap and improving their job prospects and financial independence, women can learn new skills and information through individualised education with AI-powered apps and online resources. These technological advancements enable women to achieve their goals by overcoming challenges and promoting equal opportunities for women in education.

AI is essential for reducing workplace discrimination against women in the workforce and companies. AI-driven technologies foster a more diverse workplace by encouraging equitable recruiting procedures and minimising biases in the hiring process. Further enabling women’s access to and success in a wider range of areas, AI also makes remote employment and flexible work schedules possible. In addition, by facilitating task automation, offering market insights and improving decision-making, artificial intelligence enables women to start and grow their enterprises, thereby promoting gender equality and economic empowerment. According to a Deloitte report, a remarkable 71 per cent of the respondents think that having more women in AI and machine learning will introduce innovative ideas to the high-tech sector.

Redefining women’s role in the tech industry

Empowering women with AI education is one of the most important steps towards closing the gender gap in the tech sector. As technological advancements transform the world around us, providing women the access to AI education addresses inequality whilst advancing them towards leadership roles. Moreover, overcoming the challenges, initiatives promoting AI education help create a more inclusive and diverse digital industry that fosters creativity and gives women equal opportunities.

Bindiya Vohra is the Co-Founder & Director, ThoughtSol Infotech