The main takeaway from “For a national government” ( Business Line , March 7) was that we must wake up as a nation. We must cease and desist from sleepwalking towards the precipice of disaster. A responsive national government or a political system would measure the public pulse, respond and seek to ameliorative the woeful situation that so many of our countrymen are in today.

Gurucharan Das

Collaborative governance

‘For a national government' ( Business Line , March 7) was indeed interesting for a timely thought, well taught.

One wishes that with such truly national governance, corruption can be completely wiped out, rule of law established, conventions respected and, more than anything that every section of society is accommodated.

I sincerely believe this can be given serious consideration. Are we willing and ready yet?

Raghavan Guruswami

‘Notional government'

This refers to the article “For a national government” ( Business Line , March 7). Every right-thinking and patriotic Indian would whole-heartedly endorse the idea of a national government as proposed in the article.

In India, what we are witnessing today is, however, ‘notional government', which is unable to govern in the best interest of the nation because of its coalition dharma.

In the backdrop of the adverse impact of the world's worst economic recession on India and also keeping in mind the revolutions that the Arab world is facing as a fallout of the economic crisis it is high time that our political leaders urgently considered the idea of forming a government of reconciliation before a serious situation manifests at our door-steps.

But this calls for sacrifice, reconciliation and a strong patriotic spirit. Above all, we need tall leaders to take the initiative and convince the rest of the leaders to follow them in their efforts.

Narayan Paga
