Even as global credit rating agency, Standard & Poor's, has revised downward India's credit rating, the International Monetary Fund has now understandably lowered the country's growth projections for 2012 to 6.89 per cent.

The implementation of economic reforms has slackened considerably in the past few years. The state of affairs in the Indian polity is pathetic and its credibility is at its lowest ebb. Corruption is rampant almost at all levels.

Bad politics is bad economics. The government lacks the political will both to implement economic reforms and to fight corruption.

S. Umashankar


Falling standards

It is sad that the office of the President of India has been dragged into the chasm of caste, creed, community, religion, with the parochialism of political parties adding to it all. Political parties are trying to gain mileage in vote-bank politics by resorting to one-upmanship. The post of the President of India ought to evoke respect. 

Only an Indian of integrity should occupy this position. Today, politics appears to have taken over the choice of the President. Globally, we are losing credibility, which our leaders do not appear to accept. The Japanese principle of ‘kaizen' has to be imbibed in the very fabric of society. 

H. Parshuram
