Dhankar strike

With reference to news item ‘Dhankar’s fiery side’, as Rajya Sabha Chairman Dhankhar has the right to pull up AAP’s Raghav Chaddha for his unruly behaviour.

But having said that, the core issue of probing the massive security breach should be given due priority. The Prime Minister has said that this is a serious security breach, sop now the government must walk the talk and probe the murky affair so that all the loopholes can be plugged.

Bal Govind


Dynamic data

With reference to the article, ‘Where does economics get its targets from?’ (December 18). It is refreshing to see the author playing devil’s advocate for the Data Athiests. We are into an era of cascading data delugeand then invent newer jargons. As this phase inevitably tapers down, we should reach improved data salience and specificity.

Traditional data sets of macroeconomists are being enriched with big data. The monitoring of the economy has vastly improved and so has the modelling financial conditions that act as interface between finance and the macroeconomics.

In time, we will get to refine communication, sharing and incorporating dynamic data.

R Narayanan

Navi Mumbai

Article decoded

The article “Decoding the Supreme Court order on Article 370” (December 18) has comprehensively dealt with the implications of scrapping Article 370. Under the facade of Article 370, Kashmir had a separate constitution and flag and bred secessionist politics.

The scrapping of Article 370 and the Supreme Court judgment upholding it, has ushered in a new era of peace, development and growth in the state. Ladakh as a UT has been welcomed by the local people.

The opposition to the SC Judgment is only from a few politicians who apprehend their political future at stake.

Vinod Johri

New Delhi

Bank consolidation

Apropos ‘Public Sector Banks may see further consolidation’ (December 18), apprehensions of the number of PSBs coming down to 10 from 12 may not be unfounded.

The government’s latest move endorses experts’ opinion and its own Budget proposal to privatise two PSBs, given the PSBs’ robust financial performance.

This move could also be a step further towards Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s observations that India needs four to five more banks like State Bank of India to meet the changing requirements of the economy and industry. So we may see more such ‘mergers’ in near future.

SK Gupta

New Delhi