Mutual funds inflow

This refers to ‘Funds and flows’ (December 13). The stock market reacts more to sentiments than pure fundamentals; hence, it is not surprising that mutual funds were driving this market for the last few years, and now contraction on their part into the equities market is bound to hit hard, sooner than later. Over the last 3-4 years there has been an increase in the number of retail investors, specially from Tier-II or -III cities, but it is still minuscule in comparison with mutual funds’ inflow. Moreover, many cash out quickly. That this ₹1,000-crore flow, lowest since June 2016, is not an isolated trend s alarming.

Bal Govind


RBI ratings

Apropos the article ‘Breach of trust’ (December 13). It is rightly stated that the RBI is duty-bound to protect depositors. In order to inform bank depositors about the financial health of banks, the RBI should disclose the grading/rating given to various banks on the basis of the inspections it conducts.

This would enable depositors to take informed decisions when it comes to choosing the right bank for their deposits. The RBI grading/rating should also be displayed on the banks’ websites. The secrecy regarding the financial health of banks needs to be removed.

Navin Bhatia


Loan repayment

This refers to ‘Education loans at 3-year low’ (December 13). Education is vital for every molecule of economics. There are ways to find equilibrium. All students availing education loans should be counselled on the importance of the loans and timely repayment at the time of disbursal. All those students who religiously repay the loans could be given an appreciation letter by the bank to be added in their resume. Not only the said bank will get publicity it will motivate other borrowers also the importance of repayment.

NK Bakshi


Unfair criticism

This refers to ‘North-East burning, it’s a repeat of Jammu and Kashmir, says Congress’ Azad’ ( ). While one extends heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved families of those killed in police firing in Guwahati, the rationale behind the terming the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) passed by Parliament as ‘unconstitutional’ does not make sense. Will any parliament across the world ever give its ‘nod’ to the passage of any ‘unconsitutional’ bill? One earnestly wishes that he had also thought about making such an honest assessment of the highly dubious track record of his own party, mainly during Indira Gandhi’s regime. It may be recalled that she unprecedentedly invoked the provisions of the Article 356 of the Constitution and imposed the nationwide Emergency without any valid reasons. Could all this ever be justified under any prudent democratic norms?

Kumar Gupt

Panchkula, Haryana

Sweeping victory

The emphatic victory of conservatives led by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the country’s much anticipated snap poll has finally ended the uncertainty surrounding Britain’s exit from European Union (EU)for the last few years. The Brexit debate has not only sharply divided the country, but also inflicted a huge pain on its otherwise bustling economy. The return of the Conservatives will in all likelihood enable Boris Johnson to deliver Brexit on January 31, 2020. While taking huge comfort over such a mammoth win,

Boris Johnson has his work cut out for him now, with regard to striking new international trade deals, ensuring London retain its status as a top global financial capital and keeping his country together.

M Jeyaram

Sholavandan, TN


The teaser under the ‘Trending’ section on Page 1 of BusinessLine dated December 13 incorrectly stated that Titan Company had apologised for a video ad film on a special edition line of watches. The error is regretted.