Right move by Mistry

This is with reference to ‘Mistry not to return as chief in Tata Sons’ (January 6). Even though the NCLAT ordered reinstating Cyrus Mistry as Tata Sons chief, he has made the right decision of not taking up the chairman’s post and not even a directorship in Tata group of companies. This is in keeping with good corporate governance practices. Nevertheless, his seeking a seat on the Tata Sons board to protect the interests of the Shapoorji Pallonji group, which has a 18.37 per cent stake in the Tata group, cannot be faulted.

NR Nagarajan


JNU attacks

This refers to ‘Police called in as masked men go on rampage in JNU’ (January 6). Terming the incident as unfortunate would be an understatement. We do not know who these masked men were, but they caused havoc injuring both students and teachers and they did not even spare an ambulance that stood outside. Such violence on university campuses goes against the ethos of our country. Nothing can justify this act and strictest punishment must be given to the guilty who dared enter the campus and and vandalise it. The Delhi Police cannot act as mute spectators.

Since they have already been deployed there due to anti-CAA protest since last month, it is perplexing to see no action from them. The growing violence in various universities across India — BHU, Jadhavpur, Jamia — is a dangerous trend that needs to be stopped as early as possible.

Bal Govind


Improving savings

This refers to ‘Are savings a constraint on growth?’ (January 6). Savings are important especially in the current context when the country is looking to boost growth. However, commercial, industrial, societal and governmental factors have an impact on the level on domestic savings. Also, issues like age of the head of the family, marriage and education expenses, cost of living expenses have a bearing on savings. Controlling the costs of goods and services is, therefore, vital to improving savings.

TR Anandan


Stifling dissent

The violence unleashed by masked goons in the JNU campus is reprehensible. As one of the premier higher educational institutions of the country with strong pro-Leftist leaning, the student community of JNU has been in the forefront of agitations against attempts to polarise the nation through moves such as the Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens. Such an attack on the students and teachers is nothing but a ostensible attempt to terrorise and suppress those who display courage and are vocal in their opinions. The allegation that the police remained mute spectators while unruly mobs went on a rampage inside JNU campus is shocking. It is time the perpetrators of violence against the students and teachers of JNU are identified and punished in accordance with the due process of law.

M Jeyaram

Sholavandan, TN

Reducing FCI’s burden

This is regarding ‘MSP hikes leave FCI with mountains of grains’ (January 6). FCI currently acts as a mediator between farmers, millers and user-industries. This mediation can be reduced by giving farmers direct access to the e-auction portal and defining the floor price. Payments and logistics can also be incorporated in the same portal for end-to-end coverage. Logistics can be enabled by attracting players through subsidies and long-term contracts akin to power purchase agreements. Farmers can form cooperatives that can deal as one entity with buyers to avoid monopolisation by large farmers and to avoid exploitation of small farmers.

Allocation to food security schemes can continue with governments also playing the role of buyer. This direct connect between producers and buyers can drive farming patterns and sowing strategies. Also, large buyers can provide technology, expert advice to farmer cooperatives for sustainable and high-tech farming, akin to automobile companies supporting their suppliers.

Neeti Gupta
