Investment matters

With reference to the editorial ‘Mutual benefits’ (April 17). In the present crisis situation, surely it is incumbent on asset management companies to handle mutual fund investments with more caution and prudence. In spite of the dismal performance reported by both debt and equity funds, the long-term approach chosen by the investors in continuing their SIP investments of these funds relies on their impeccable confidence that a favourable scenario would emerge on the other side of the pandemic.

Fund managers should not belittle the hopes of gullible investors and channelise the funds efficiently by continuous monitoring and regular switch from loss-making stocks to profitable ones. SEBI in co-ordination with the RBI should review the changing economic scenario and support the mutual fund industry in rotating the portfolios effectively to augment better and consistent returns to the investors.

Sitaram Popuri


Borrowers’ woes

Apropos ‘Gaps in RBI circular’ (April 17). The Covid-19 pandemic is paralysing business and cash flows, and even after it subsides, business will struggle to back the previous rhythm. Hence, the RBI must extend the moratorium for loans sanctioned even after March 1 for five months, as opined by the author. In the same way, facilities must be provided to pay the arrears of interest on loan in a phased manner rather than on sudden demand. Similarly, pressurising importers to pay off their liabilities on letter of credit must also be stopped since the ordered imports may not have reached their their ports. The RBI must understand the hardships of the borrower in this pandemic situation and help them.

NR Nagarajan


Kerala model

It is heartening to know that in Kerala, there has only been one new Covid-19 case in the last 24 hours till Wednesday, as Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said in a statement. A short while ago, the largest number of infected patients belonged to this State. But the growth rate is now completely under control and is declining rapidly. Statistically speaking, the well-being rate is about 42 per cent, which is a bit higher than in the whole country. The death rate among the victims is also quite low in Kerala. That’s clearly seems a positive sign to come out from this pandemic. As per the Kerala administration’s statement ,Kerala is being healed according to certain rules. Other States must consider applying the same rules to come out from this painful pandemic.

Mamun Hasan


Understanding Covid-19

Scientists are still studying the coronavirus and there is much they are to understand about its subtle side. There are still too many unknowns surrounding the virus to work out a credible response. It is now conclusively known that asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic carriers can infect others. But whether they are more or most infectious before the appearance of symptoms is not fully understood.

New research suggests that Covid-19 could be more contagious at the start of an infection, before people even know they have it. Hence it becomes that much more difficult for medical experts who plan public health interventions to precisely factor in the scale and speed of the spread of the disease. If that were indeed the case, greater efforts to track down contacts of Covid-19 infected persons made several days before the appearance of the symptoms will have to be made. It also emphasises the need for extensive testing, tracing and treating to bring transmission under control.

Epidemiologists are probing the capability of the virus to re-infect those already recovered. They are also looking into the possibility that in those rare cases Covid-19, lingering in the host, may have “reactivated” rather than “re-infected”.

At the same time, it is encouraging that scientists seem to have enough knowledge of the virus to make progress in carving out a path towards developing vaccines and drugs.

G David Milton

Maruthancode Tamil Nadu