Monitoring digital content

Apropos ‘IT Rules 2021 — over the top?’ (April 5). Indeed, increased consumption of digital media content has led to the growth of OTT platforms. The new IT Rules seek to curtail the transmission of problematic content and create a level-playing field for various media. The rules usher in a strong self-regulatory and monitoring mechanism for OTT platforms.

That would, however, require much higher financial commitment on the part of OTT platforms for creating control mechanisms.

NR Nagarajan


Inflation targeting

The inflation targeting framework of the MPC (Monetary Policy Committee) of the RBI, with a thrust on anchoring inflationary expectations, which has been in place since 2016 has done more good than harm to our economy. It helped the MPC to have unhindered focus on price stability, besides bringing greater transparency and accountability on the actions of RBI. But there’s growing demand now to move away from the inflation targeting framework. The RBI has, however, acknowledged the significance of inflation targeting and decided against tinkering with the same. No doubt, it is a step in the right direction for it has reaffirmed once again MPC’s unflinching commitment and concern to ensure price stability.

M Jeyaram

Sholavandan, TN

Election process

Apropos the editorial ‘Sound and fury’ (April, 5), Rajaji severely criticised the various corrupt practices of political parties during elections in his book Rescue democracy from money powe r. In particular, he was opposed to the latter transporting voters to the polling booths in cars, calling it ‘a last minute bribery’ and suggested instead that poll officials visit the voters’ homes and collect their votes! One wonders, what would have been the statesman’s reaction, were he alive today.

It is time political parties were banned from making tall promises in their election manifestos, unless they also justify how they would find the resources for the same.

V Jayaraman


India-Bangladesh ties

This is with reference to ‘A goodwill trip’ (April 5). India and Bangladesh have almost similar economic conditions and culture. Both the countries should work together for mutual well-being. One of the most important sectors that will benefit from good relations with Bangladesh is tourism. The five north-eastern States bordering Bangladesh are rich in scenic beauty and can be developed as great tourist centres through mutual co-operation. Second, peace on the India-Bangladesh border will help boost exports from these States, thus creating employment opportunities as well. Also, good relations with Bangladesh is important in curbing the growing influence of China.

Veena Shenoy


DBT for farmers

Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for farmers should be implemented immediately. This will prove to be a major farm reform in the real sense as it has the potential to break the hold of unscrupulous middlemen who have nothing to do with farming but operate in the grain markets. They don’t grow a single crop themselves, but earn crores by exploiting the flaws in the system. This rich and politically influential group must be reined in.

Nitesh Mandwariya

Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh

Treatment of rare diseases

Rare disease treatment policy 2021 has been released by the government and there is resentment among many who are outside the purview of the policy. The treatment of rare diseases is costly and without financial support it will be beyond the reach of the common man. Securing the well-being of every one, particularly those unable to help themselves, is important. Financial support of up to ₹20 lakh for one-time treatment is a welcome measure. However, the policy, which comes as a logical conclusion to a long-fought battle, stops short of being comprehensive.

Yash Pal Ralhan


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