This refers to the editorial, ‘Internet for all’ (November 29). Any attempt by telecom operators to disturb net neutrality will certainly impact the choices available to the users. Apps like WhatsApp, Imo, and Skype are posing a threat to telecom operators as they intrude into the latter’s core operations and reduce their revenue substantially. So the operators are bound to partner with these social networking sites for mutual benefits. In light of the cutthroat competition that has ensued, TRAI should make very crystal-clear the categories of things excluded from the domain of net neutrality.

S Lakshminarayanan

Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu

Many variables

This is with reference to ‘A way to manage falling prices of pulses’ by C Rangarajan and Shashanka Bhide (November 29). No doubt the demand for pulses has gone up since secured wages started being paid. At the same time suppliers are expected to be rewarded. Price determination should be based on demand and supply conditions. Since procurement is not advisable and farmers cannot afford to keep the crop in-house, , it is important that quick movement of produce takes place. It is the sequential opportunity captured by buyers that makes prices low or high which is sometimes not suitable to farmers and sometimes consumers. Therefore,there is need to open up export, and import during times of scarcity.

RK Arya

Faridabad, Haryana

Blame game

No doubt the political patronage enjoyed by certain business houses during the erstwhile UPA regime contributed to high NPAs. But we cannot overlook the role of the RBI in failing to identify the actual quantum of NPAs during their regular annual audits. It was only during Raghuram Rajan’s tenure that an audit of restructured loans through AQR was ordered, leading to the high level of NPAs being identified.

At that time AQR was vehemently opposed by various banks because they were merrily restructuring bad loans in contravention to RBI norms. The RBI is responsible for undervaluation of NPAs to the tune of ₹4.5 lakh crore; also, the managements of various banks failed to perform their roles and the UPA regime erred.

Srinivasan Velamur


Take responsibility

This is with reference to ‘Stop those suicides’ by Gayathri G (From the Viewsroom, November 29). TMP Mahadevan, an eminent professor of philosophy at the University of Madras, once said education in India has become a “mechanical process of information feeding and memory reproducing”.

Thrown into an ‘pressure-cooker’ atmosphere after a relatively sheltered schooling, the student is often confused or depressed. Faced with a tough syllabus coupled with perfunctory coaching and peer-pressure on the one hand and lack of communication and sympathy at home on the other, the student takes the calamitous escape route. Parents and the Government should take responsibility for this pressure.

CV Krishna Manoj


Parents force their wards to attend tuition classes and make them burn the midnight oil. In the event of not getting the marks expected, frustration sets in. Teachers must take a holistic approach to teaching; they should not rebuke them irresponsibly.

HP Murali


The present generation lives in an age of brutal competition. Parental and school/college pressure for academic excellence make life complicated. Parents should recall that Bill Gates and Gandhiji were not successful in school. Parents should pay attention to behavioural warning signals from a child gripped by fear of failure, such as decreased appetite, withdrawal from family and friends, unkempt appearances, frequent changes in mood. Since schools’ public image rests on the number of toppers they produce, they too enhance the anxiety of students. Our education system should shift focus from an exaggerated role of examinations to real learning.

YG Chouksey



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