With reference to ‘Bring Railways back on the track’( BusinessLine, May 24), the Railways lose around Rs. 20,000 crore in the passenger fare segment on a yearly basis, and to make up this loss, earnings from freight traffic are increasingly being used to cross-subsidise the passenger business. Over 3,000 new passenger trains have been introduced in last 10 years without upgrading the infrastructure.

The passenger fare has been frozen for the last 10 years unmindful of the precarious financial state of the Railways. It is appropriate that they re-look the “electrification” programme.

M. M. Gurbaxani


Shipping regulations

This is with reference to ‘‘Allow major ports to fix own tariff for a level-laying field’ ( Business Line , May 27).

As shipping is unregulated, ships enjoy freedom to sustain high levels of freight levied for carriage of goods and freedom to choose port of call to accept/deliver cargo.

In this situation traders (exporters and importers) are burdened with high transport costs that are not based on cost of operation that includes charges levied on ships by port/terminal operator.

Ports being the interface between shipping cartels and unorganised trade, there is need for more regulation for ships as well as ports that must be uniformly applicable throughout the country.

Such regulations must have the objective of achieving level playing field for both ships and trade.

K. V. A. Iyer
