They’ll phish, they’ll vish, they’ll even try to smish

But if you play safe, the conmen will not get their wish.

They’ll entice, they’ll scare, try to install malware

Don’t fall for the ruse, stay alert, take care.

They’ll try to steal your identity, masquerade as you

If you are careful with your data, this risk you can shoo.

They’ll try ransomware, hack, juice-jack,

Keep your antennae up, watch out, fight back.

They’ll come up with new tricks, they are a wily lot

A constant battle with crooks, stay ahead, don’t get caught.

They’ll ask for your CVVs, PINs, passwords, OTPs

These are strictly confidential, never disclose them please.

They’ll make fake portals, apps, email, UPI IDs, too

Be on the lookout — typos, other tell-tale signs give a clue.

They’ll mail & phish for data — playing on your need, greed, fear

Don’t click or answer them, it could cost you dear.

They’ll call you in a sweet voice, talk in firm, official tones

Be wary of this vishing — voice phishing over phones.

They’ll send phone messages — smishing is the term

Ignore, don’t click or reply, it could be a worm.

They’ll attack anywhere — computer, tablet, mobile

Genuine apps, software, anti-virus can keep them away a mile.

They’ll be patient, waiting for you to slip

Avoid public networks, charging points when on a trip.

They’ll pose many a threat, it sure is a worry

Just be cautious, shield yourself, you will not be sorry.

They’ll be in guise, eyeing your hard-earned money

Stop them in their tracks, show them it’s not funny.