The number of Indian billionaires is expected to nearly double over the next decade from 60 in 2013 to 119 in 2023. What is more, the number of “centa-millionaires” — individuals with a net worth of over $100 million — is also expected to double to 761 in 2023, according to a report by Knight Frank.

By 2023, only the US, China and Russia will have more billionaires than India.

The ultra high net worth individuals (UHNWI) count in Mumbai is expected to increase at the fastest pace over the next ten years, followed by Delhi. As a result, Mumbai is expected to replace Paris to feature in the list of Top 10 global cities (in terms of UHNWI population) by 2024.Together with Delhi, the metropolis is expected to be home to 52 per cent of India’s rich by 2023, compared to 46 per cent at present. Knight Frank suggests that the growth will lead to concentration of prime property demand in these cities.