Here’s a challenge. Using the five clues below, identify the company that is being talked about here

Send your answers by Wednesday 6 p.m. to, with your full name, postal address and phone number.

A lucky winner in each week will get a book sponsored by UNIFI Capital as a reward.

1 My founder is a B.Com graduate and first generation entrepreneur but built a business that eventually became one of the top five globally in my field.

2 My chairman carries his country of birth in his name and is due to retire this month after 10 years of chairmanship.

3 The biography on my promoter was nominated for a literature award after being a best seller in business section for several months.

4 I have delivered more than 30 per cent CAGR over the last three years for my shareholders. My second largest shareholder exited his entire stake in 2015 and my current valuation is lower than his exit price i.e. nil returns over the last seven years.

5 In the same seven-year period, the business I demerged has lost half of its valuation while markets have more than doubled. Even some of the diversifications my founder family made haven’t done well. One of the listed companies they made an open offer declined 90 per cent within the next five years.

Last week’s Stock Name: Page Industries

Last week’s Winner Name: Vishal Sharma