Here’s a challenge. Using the five clues below, identify the company that is being being talked about here

Send your answers by Wednesday 6 p.m. to , with your full name, postal address and phone number.

A lucky winner in each week will get a book sponsored by UNIFI Capital as a reward.

1I continue to be among the top 5 products worldwide for which I was initially set up to make

2I have given 10 times shareholder return over the last 10 years and am preparing to repeat the same over the next 10 years

3About 20 years ago, my largest shareholder declined to commit additional capital through a rights issue and hence he was offered an exit option by the other partner at below Rs 100 crore valuation. He continued to hold and got lucky with current valuation of Rs 5,000 crore

4My chairman spent 25 plus years in civil services in State and Central governments, and he is professionally equipped with engineering and management degrees

5I am one of the very few companies who were fortunate not to be punished for diversification into unrelated businesses. Today, I stand vindicated because businesses I diversified into contribute 90 per cent to profits.

Last week’s winner:

Ramanathan Muthappan

Last week’s answer:

Ramco Cement