Name of the company: ShudhVayu Technologies Pvt Ltd

Set upin: 2018

Based in: New Delhi

Founder: Amit Bhatnagar

Funding received: Discussions are on with investors

What it does: I t offers a patented innovation with high potential to clean the air in a city. Has the capacity to clean the air pollution in Delhi in just two days.

As a test run, the ShudhVayu prototype was attached to the roof of a private car. The car was then taken on a 200-km long drive at up to 140 km/hr speed. Under real environmental conditions of AQI 250 and PM10 particles at 400g/m3, the car was driven on the Delhi-Gurugram stretch. ShudhVayu prototype weighed 2342.5 gm when installed. Its cross-sectional area is 1500cm2. After completing the test run, the ShudhVayu Innovation was removed from the car and weighed again. It weighed 2357.5 gm. Upon subtractions, it was obtained that 8.7 gm of PM10 particles were trapped inside the innovation. i.e. ~4g carbon particles removed from the air over a distance of 100 km.

How it does it: The technology uses the motion of the vehicle to clean the city air. There is zero electricity cost involved. Delhi vehicles alone have the capability of removing 40 tonnes of PM10 in one single day. The wind speed over the car roof, which is flowing against the speed of the car, is used as the energy and this passes in the form of pressure and filters the particulate matter. The filter it uses is multi-layered with the capacity of filtering all kinds of dust — from PM 2.5, PM 10 to dust generated from stubble burning.

Big moment: As probably the only technological innovation that has been able to capture 4gm PM10 by the motion of a vehicle, it was a matter of pride to be incubated under IIT Delhi, supported by the Department of Science and Technology and patented under the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. Also, when Olympic medalist, wrestler Sushil Kumar, became ambassador and supporter for the start-up.

Impact : It has been installed in more than 500 vehicles in Delhi. If the innovation is implemented on a large scale at a policy level in North India, it will reduce the PM10 levels by a significant amount within two days from 500 to 100. Delhi has a total load of 30 tonnes of PM10. And a total of 31,25000 vehicles are needed with this innovation on the car roof to clean Delhi air in two days.

Vision : The start-up’s tag line says it all: ShudhVayu sab ka adhikar ( Clean Air is each one’s birth right) — Ensuring better air quality for every city and fewer deaths caused by air pollution.