The International Energy Agency defines a device/system energy efficient if it delivers more services for the same energy input, or the same services for less energy input. Energy efficiency goes hand-in-hand with renewable energies, meaning less dependency on oil and coal power, and replacing those with clean energy from wind and solar generation.

On an average, appliances consume roughly 13 per cent of total household energy use. An energy-efficient appliance may cost more upfront but has a lower annual operating cost, ranging between from 9- to 25 per cent, when compared to conventional models. While purchasing an appliance, look for those with the energy stars label.

Laptops consume 85 per cent less power than desktop PCs. Halogen bulbs, CFL lamps and LED bulbs last longer and are more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs. Switching over to the greener option can reduce power consumption.

Cell phone and battery chargers that are plugged in but not in use are energy vampires. An average charger consumes 0.26 watts of energy when not in use and 2.24 watts when connected to your phone. So, turn it off when you are done!