For India to meet its sustainable development goals, private giving is an important bridge as government expenditure will not be enough. But overall private giving (domestic and foreign) has stayed relatively flat over the past five to six years (low single-digit growth), even before Covid-19 struck, finds the India Philanthropy Report 2022 by Dasra and Bain & Company. Private foreign giving has contracted (from approximately a 26 per cent share in overall private giving in FY 2015 to approximately a 15 per cent share in FY 2021), while private domestic giving has grown at a moderate pace (8 to 10 per cent growth y-o-y), aided primarily by CSR contributions

CSR has steadily grown, both in absolute terms and in its contribution to overall private giving, which increased from 12 per cent in FY 2015 to 23 per cent in FY 2021.