Banking on PF Employees already in a retirement plan believe their most important income sources are likely to be their employer’s retirement plan, followed by savings/investments and property, says a Towers Watson survey. Globally, employees are opting for better and guaranteed retirement benefits against a larger base pay, but when given a choice, Indian employees prefer a larger base pay hike across. This contradiction signals a visible need for employers to enhance retirement education and help employees understand the value of retirement benefits, the report says. 


For MBAs, all roads lead to e-comm

A survey of MBA grads from top B-schools by industry body Assocham has found that more than 71 per cent per cent of respondents preferred a job in the e-commerce sector and aspired to become first-generation successful entrepreneurs with minimum investment. The number of intakes by the e-commerce sector from the various B-Schools and engineering colleges also went up by 65 per cent this season over last year, the survey added. MBAs are clearly flipping for Flipkart and the like!


India Inc missing the bus

Indian industry appears unaware of the benefits of securing its intellectual property, says Chaitanya Prasad, Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks. Foreigners filed 78.3 per cent of the total number of patent applications (43,995) in 2012 compared to 18 per cent in China, 16.3 per cent in Japan and 50 per cent in the US. This is an indication of the lack of awareness among Indian industry of the benefits of IP creation and the potential for for wealth creation amongst through patent protection, Prasad said at a FICCI seminar.