1. My day begins with exercise along with my wife. Our personal trainer takes us through treadmill, flexibility and strengthening exercises. Starting your day with physical activity keeps you alert and charged for the entire day to handle the challenges ahead.

2. Breakfast is usually a complete Maharashtrian meal, chapati, dhal and green vegetables. Through the day I take smaller meals in regular intervals. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper! Spicy, oily and junk food are a no-no, but I allow myself to cheat on weekends!

3. I find reading inspiring stories of entrepreneurs highly motivating and energising. It builds your confidence that great things can be achieved by individuals.

4. I am not a workoholic, and work is not stressful for me. My workplace is the best place to be after home. But I do balance my work and life by taking regular holidays with family, exploring new places to learn their culture.

5. My day ends with my daughter, discussing her day rejuvenates me. She is my reality check, as we do not discuss work!

Amol Naikawadi, Joint Managing Director, Indus Health Plus