New vaccines

Outsmarting epidemics

A global coalition to create new vaccines for emerging infectious diseases, designed to help give the world an insurance policy against epidemics was launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. With an initial investment of $460 million from the governments of Germany, Japan and Norway, plus the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, the CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) will seek to outsmart epidemics by developing safe and effective vaccines against known infectious disease threats that could be deployed rapidly to contain outbreaks, before they become global health emergencies.


Unnecessary biopsy

Giving men with suspected prostate cancer an MRI scan could improve diagnosis and save those who do not have aggressive cancers from having an unnecessary biopsy, according to a study published in The Lancet . The study estimates that adding the extra test could help one in four (27 per cent) men avoid an unnecessary biopsy and reduce the number of men who are over-diagnosed — diagnosed with a cancer that does not go on to cause any harm during their lifetime — by 5 per cent.

Healthcare challenge

Calling innovators

Innovators with original solutions to healthcare challenges can participate in 2017: HITLAB World Cup: India, a showcase for original health tech solutions. Finalists will have the opportunity to present their inventions and win up to $150,000 (₹1 crore) in funding. Innovators across India are invited to submit original technology-based concepts up to February 3, a note said.