1 My day begins with a prayer of thanks, and once that is done, the next 60 minutes are with my trainer, working on my fitness training. This involves a lot of boxing, and the playlist is most important to me to keep my energy up. I finish up with 10 minutes of meditation and hit the shower and start my phone calls half way out of the shower before breakfast, and then there is no stopping me.

2 I eat light. Loads of fresh salads and fresh fruit juices keep me healthy and full of energy. Food should be fuel for the body, not sludge. This does not mean, however, that I do not indulge in some culinary cheats to satiate my taste buds.

3 At the end of the day, it is only laughter that can take your stress away. So to de-stress, I watch comedy dramas like Entourage.

4 Another ritual I keep everyday is walking my dogs; it’s therapeutic for me to spend time with them.

5 My family is my router and I’m the gadget. I have to stay close to the router to stay sane. My five girls are my wife, two daughters, sister and mother, and boys are dad and brother. And to bloom, I need them all.

Avi Arya, Founder, Internet Moguls