Rev Media has partnered The Indian Luxury Expo (TILE) to offer the latter augmented reality technology to grab the attention of participants.

The use of this technology application enhances advertisements. With the help of the application, a print advertisement or any collateral can look more lively and informative.

Augmented reality (AR) technology allows for a digitally enhanced view of the real world, connecting people with meaningful content in everyday life. With the camera and sensors in a smartphone or tablet, AR adds layers of digital information through videos, photos and sounds and provides rich content.

After downloading the mobile application Rev Eye, one can aim a phone’s camera to an activated advertisement. On the screen, one would see various images of a product and all the relevant details about it.

Vishal Reddy, CEO, Rev Media of Hyderabad, in a statement said, “Brands are always looking for enjoyable and engaging advertising media to enrol customers. Rev Eye showcases how AR advertising has the potential to offer a full-immersion experience.”

Rev Eye gives marketers the power to drive precise, situation-based content on the print ad and enables purchase decisions. The company is also implementing AR advertising solutions for participating brands at the Expo, the statement said.