Over 500 medical representatives (MR) with Sun Pharmaceutical are expected to strike work on Monday.

The MRs are former Ranbaxy employees and the pan-India strike is to urge the drug-major to resolve outstanding issues including the payment of pending wages, said a notice from the Federation of Medical and Sales Representatives’ Associations of India (FMRAI).

Early last year, Sun Pharma had completed the $ 4 billion acquisition of Ranbaxy, pitching the combined entity to the top position in the domestic pharma landscape. The integration process since has come with the pain of rationalisation of plants and people.

An MR scheduled to participate in tomorrows strike alleged that a section of the MRs with the company were striking work as they had not received wages for about five months. Family members of the striking members were also expected to joint the protest scheduled in front of the Labour Commissioner’s or Labour Ministry’s offices in different cities, an MR said.

HC to hear case tomorrow

Sun Pharma did not comment on the stand-off with the MRs as the issue is in Court and was sub judice. The issue is coming up at the Bombay High Court on Monday. This follows Sun’s challenge of an earlier order by the Maharashtra Industrial Court in Mumbai that had directed the company to pay the pending wages.

The sales and promotion employees going on strike are from Sun’s Pharma Care and Stancare divisions. The grievances that the MRs want resolved include a meeting with the Central Grievance Committee to settle outstanding issues, release of “illegally deducted wages” and compliance, implementation of past agreements with the CGC and to stop unfair marketing practices, among others.
