The Telangana Power Generation Corporation has begun operations of the Unit-3 and Unit-4 of Lower Jurala Hydro Electric Project (6x40mw).

The installed capacity test for declaration of commercial operation of Unit 3 and 4 of each 40 mw capacity augurs well for the State which can harness the power of hydel projects during peak times.

According to Ch. Venkata Rajam, Director, Hydel, TS Genco, the average loads during test on unit 3 is 41.3 mw and Unit-4 is 41.55 mw.

ith TS Genco adding 80 mw to the grid, through these two units, it would be in a position to supply 120 mw of during peak hours and additional power during overflow in the river.

As a part of the capacity addition programme, TS Genco had taken up the lower Jurala Hydro Electric project (6x40 mw) at Revulapally village in Mahaboobnagar district.