Food processing has huge potential to dramatically improve rural livelihoods by raising farm incomes through value addition in agricultural produce, according to Siraj Hussain, Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries .

“India is home to a wide-range of raw material suited for the food processing industry because of its diverse agro-climatic conditions. A very small percentage of these are processed into value added products at present. So, the scope, potential and opportunities are huge in this industry,” he said. Addressing the inaugural of a national conference on mega food parks organised by industry body Assocham here on Friday, he said the food Parks were conceived to provide infrastructure facilities for food processing, besides creating a value chain from the farm to market.

Link to all The parks would bring together farmers, retailers and processors and link agricultural production to market in order to maximise value addition, minimise wastage and improve farmers’ income, he said. Ravindra Sannareddy, Chairman of Southern Regional Council of Assocham and co-founder and Managing Director of Sri City Pvt Ltd said the food processing industry could make the country a leading food supplier to the world. “This can happen only when the State Governments can take more initiatives to make this as priority sector,” he said.