Infosys is redoubling its efforts to develop products in the growing enterprise mobility space.

With a portfolio of 6-7 mobility solutions for digital customers in place, the company is looking to expand its portfolio with a two-pronged strategy.

“We want to expand by building products on our own and also by partnering with some early-stage start-ups that have interesting products or solutions across all verticals, including healthcare, banking and finance,” Jagdish Krishna Vasishtha, Associate Vice-President, Enterprise Mobility, told BusinessLine .

Mobility solutions

While Vasishtha did not reveal the exact size of the Enterprise Mobility team, he said Infosys currently has close to 3,000 engineers working on mobile apps and other mobile-related solutions. “We are looking at developing very mobile-centric solutions across verticals that help enterprises increase employee productivity.

He cited the example of field force automation, where people go selling door-to-door.

“They can be far more productive if they had smart devices like tablets with apps that have all the information they need to sell,” he said.

“Vasishtha also underlined the importance of thinking ahead.

“If you have 3-6 month thinking, come up with an idea, quickly create a POC, get funded and move on, most likely when you clinch the first or second customer, you will fail; simply because they will pull you in their direction. You have to think your whole idea through – even in fast moving space like mobile, we are challenging our team to think 5-7 years ahead,” he said.