Sugar prices at Vashi declined by ₹5-8 a quintal for S-grade and increased by ₹4-6 for M-grade. Naka and mill tender rates remained steady on normal activities. Producers continued to sell at prevailing prices keeping supplies limited. Arrivals were about 61-62 truck loads and local dispatches were at 58-60 loads. Freight rates were steady. The Bombay Sugar Merchants Association’s spot rates:S-grade ₹3,542-3,781 (3,542-3,792) and M-grade ₹3,650-3,902 (3,646-3,896). Naka delivery rates: S-grade ₹3,510-3,590 (3,510-3,590) and M-grade ₹3,610-3,700 (3,610-3,700). Our Correspondent