Spot pepper prices slipped on Friday on reports of imports of pepper from different origins. Local trading buyers are staying away from the market on the presumption that imported material would become available in the market. However, other origins such as Vietnam and Sri Lanka, which have the material said to have raised their prices. Sri Lanka has reportedly sold to India at $11,200 while Vietnam was offering 550 GL cleaned pepper at around $9,000 a tonne. On the spot, 17 tonnes of pepper arrived and that were traded at ₹710,715,720 and ₹725 a kg. Spot prices for MG 1 were down to ₹735 a kg but there were no sellers below ₹745 because of the high processing cost. On the IPSTA, some day trading involving 30 tonnes was reported. Spot prices were down by ₹600 to ₹71,000 (ungarbled) and ₹73,500 (garbled) a quintal. Export prices also declined to $12,600 (c&f) for Europe and $12,850 a tonne (c&f) for the US.