Edible oils rose in spot market as local refineries hiked their rates for palmolein, soyabean and sunflower oils in the range of ₹3-10 for 10 kg each on Thursday tracking extended gain in futures and hope of higher festival season demand. On the Bombay Commodity Exchange, palmolein gained ₹8 and sunflower oil ₹5-10.

Liberty was quoting palmolein at ₹517-519, super palmolein ₹549 and soyabean refined oil ₹617. Ruchi was quoting palmolein at ₹515, soyabean refined oil ₹605 and sunflower refined oil ₹610. Allana’s rates were palmolein ₹525, super palmolein ₹550, soyabean refined oil ₹620 and sunflower oil ₹630.

In Saurashtra-Rajkot, groundnut oil Telia gained ₹5 to ₹1,195 and loose (10 kg) flat at ₹760. BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 790 (790), soya refined oil 605 (605), sunflower exp. ref. 570 (560), sunflower ref. 615 (610), rapeseed ref. oil 733 (733), rapeseed expeller ref. 703 (703) cottonseed ref. oil 640 (640) and palmolein 513 (505).