Spot rubber closed steady on Thursday.

“There were no genuine buyers or sellers in the local trading houses and the prices remained neutral in an almost inactive trading session,” sources said.

Sheet rubber closed unchanged at ₹139 a kg, according to traders.

The grade dropped to ₹139 (₹139.50) and ₹136 (₹136.50) respectively, according to the Rubber Board and dealers. August futures closed at ₹138.89 (₹138.94), September at ₹136.20 (₹136.07), October at ₹135.52 (₹135.72) and November at ₹136.48 (₹135.85) for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) inched up to ₹120.28 (₹120.06) at Bangkok. July futures closed at ¥191.2 (₹113.07) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange .

Spot rubber rates (₹/kg): RSS-4: 139 (139); RSS-5: 133 (133); Ungraded: 127 (127) ISNR 20: 120 (120) and Latex 60%: 105 (105).