The Centre said on Wednesday it will undertake a major overhaul of 39 institutions including the Gandhi Smriti and Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML) to introduce modern Indian components, including the works of the Modi dispensation. The Congress, terming the move “diabolical”, said it will oppose it.

The revamp, Union Culture Minister Mahesh Sharma said, will introduce a contemporary component in these entities to make them more purposeful.

“We are planning to revamp 39 organisations including Gandhi Smriti, Lalit Kala Akademi and NMML under us to ensure their smooth functioning and make them more purposeful,” said Sharma.

Asked what changes will be undertaken as part of the revamp, he said: “Apart from ensuring that these institutions carry on with the purpose they were established for, we will also present modern India.”

On whether the work of the current government will be included as part of introducing “modern India” components, he said: “Obviously”. But he did not give any details.

The Congress reacted sharply to the proposed plan, calling it “diabolical”, and accused the Centre of “subverting and diluting” their essential spirit and character.

“Devoid of any legacy that comprises of the building of our nation, the RSS and the BJP are playing a diabolical game of rewriting and misappropriating our rich and proud heritage of struggle for Independence,” chief Congress spokesman Randeep Surjewala said in a strongly worded statement.

“Any attempt by the BJP, the RSS and Narendra Modi to diminish and downplay the legacy of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India and one of the greatest sons of the country, is not going to hold water with the people of our country,” he said.

Sharma, however, trashed the Congress’ charge and said: “There is no plan to undermine Nehru or his thoughts. For the Nehru Memorial, we have plans for renovating the building, auditorium and library. We also want to increase the footfall at this place”