Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit has refuted recent criticism that he is acting at the behest of the Centre. A press release from Raj Bhavan here quoted him as saying it “is absolutely wrong and false and based on the figment of imagination”.

Purohit had drawn flak from the Opposition in the State after he held a review meeting of development projects in Coimbatore and met with senior district officials including the collector. The opposition parties accused the Centre of exerting its influence through the Governor as the State government was weak due to infighting within the ruling AIADMK. They said the Governor was overstepping his authority and infringing on the rights of the elected State government.

Reacting to the criticism, the release said some critics had felt the Governor was politically motivated and “acting at the behest of the Central government given the current political context” in the State. But such criticism was wrong and the meetings were not to “subvert the authority of the State government but to support their efforts in good governance,” it added.

Regarding the constitutionality of his action, the press release said that while the Governor was sure about the “legality and correctness of his action” he had also consulted leading legal experts. None of his actions in meeting with district officials in Coimbatore amounted to “any illegality or unconstitutionality,” it added. There was no attempt to short circuit official channels and everything was done according to norms. The Governor got a good idea of the status of welfare and developmental schemes, it said.

In his previous role as Governor of Assam he had conducted similar meetings and had been appreciated, said the release, adding: “Purohit will continue with such efforts in Tamil Nadu also to fulfil his responsibilities as envisaged in the oath he has taken to devote himself in the service and well being of the people.”